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The world has noticed and the world wants an answer. Where the heck is Neil Nunes?

Well, not exactly the world, but certainly that deliriously happy part that is the UK’s followers of possibly the funniest radio show ever devised, BBC Radio 4’s DEAD RINGERS.

One of the show’s high points is to take the piss out of people with weird voices. Their imitation of Donald Trump is classic.

Neil Nunes is the continuity announcer on Radio 4 itself who has a particular problem which is something of a drawback  on an English speaking station.. He has difficulties speaking English.

Of the many words he fails spectacularly to pronounce properly is  “four”. This is something of a drawback that DEAD RINGERS does not let up on. To hear him tangle with”appeal” as he frequently does on Sunday mornings, is to wonder if he is going to survive the strangulated gurgle with which he ends the word.

But Lo. While he has been deliciously imitated on each Friday evening episode of DEAD RINGERS during the current series, the piss taking was obvious by its very absence on Friday, June 29.

Has somebody played the race card?





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