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Are executed prisoners in China being skinned to process collagen for cosmetics aimed at the European and American markets?

There is world wide speculation this is so backed by open admittance by Chinese authorities that other organs – and skin is the largest organ – are harvested from the cadavers.

It is claimed the skin is surgically stripped from prisoners after they have been shot in the back of the head and is used mainly in anti-ageing products such as prevention or reduction of wrinkles and lip enhancing injections.

In one year alone, 3,400 people were executed in China and it was estimated that as many as 6000 were on death row. Citizens face the death sentence for religious or political beliefs as well as criminal offences which would attract only prison sentences in most other countries

Sources claim the collagen is processed by Bio Tech companies in the northern province of Heilongjiang.

Whilst this macabre “industry” is denied by Chinese authorities, the same authorities openly admit that other organs – such as hearts, kidneys and livers – are harvested from executed prisoners, but only with the permission of the families of the dead.

SOURCES. The Guardian, The Independent, CNN, The BBC, Amnesty International and Cosmetics Design of America.

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